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September 2019 Dev Update in October
Chris McKillip
/ Categories: GameDen

September 2019 Dev Update in October

The September Dev Update is late but for exciting reasons!

It’s been just about two months since we posted one of these and things have been moving along. In July we worked pretty fast and hard to get InExternity ready for its debut at Moriarty Mini Con, which we accomplished. We only got a handful of players, but it gave us plenty to consider as far as the game and its playability is concerned. After Moriarty we took our customary post show recovery time then got back to work on development, which includes our evaluation of InExternity and where it needs work, K3D and what needs to be done to continue the PC port, and of course Raptors’ Realm and its continued production.

Raptors’ Realm has received some long-needed attention in both the testing realm and the refining of the flight and hunting systems. These refinements will continue with some more art and visual effects work central to the playability of those systems of the game. We’ll also be getting to work on some of the other core systems in the coming months, so soar back by for that info. K3D will soon undergo its next set of evaluations, and we’ll set to work on the next systems to be sure they are ready for the PC port. While we do that, we’ll fix a few bugs we’ve introduced to the game on PC’s and test the systems which have been ported or upgraded for any other issues we can find. On the testing note, we’ll be releasing a PC build to our Beta Testers soon over on the Tester Den so bounce back to see when it’ll be available. InExternity has gotten a couple of nice massages to its UI and UX since Moriarty, and we’ve begun a review of it to figure out what other work it needs.

Due to all the craziness surrounding our website and web services crash, we’ve had to reschedule everything we had planned for this summer, including the launch of the Dev Dawgs. We’ll have the updated info on that and our other community info in a future update, including the update to our streaming and other video schedules. For now, you can join our Discord Server which is up and in full swing, and we’ll let everyone know about the rest as we get them worked in around our renewed dev schedule.

That’s it for our regular update, so soar back by soon for more as we get back to a more game focused schedule over the coming months. If you’re a Dev Dawg, keep reading for more behind the scenes info, and if you can’t see the Dev Dawg info below be sure you’re logged in and it should become available.

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Chris McKillip

Chris McKillipChris McKillip

SP Ent. Executive Director

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Executive Director at SP Entertainment, he runs the show.


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