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Adventure Time!
KC McKillip
/ Categories: The Periwinkle Paw

Adventure Time!

The Crunch Continues

RTX is coming in hot, and crunch time continues to put the squeeze on the dev team. Meanwhile, the marketing team plans to make the most of all their hard work, which means getting eyes on our games and paws on our controllers. But we don’t know exactly what will be done, and we need strategies that don’t strain our dev team.

We’ve got some basics figured out, like the literature and swag we’ll hand out. As for interaction, K3D is fully playable, but Raptors’ Realm is still in prototype. It’s looking good, but there is no playable level, so the marketing team devised a plan that will give players a solid goal and some obstacles, allowing for a little competition. This competition uses elements that will need to be developed anyway, so it spurs game development.

But, the suspense hangs heavy. Will we finish on time? Will my husband be coding on the long drive to RTX? Judging by the things my husband has been saying to his computer in the last few days, the outlook might be grim, but today I found him performing his “happy dance.” I think we’re going to make it.

There’s still more work to be done. The dev team has polishing to do, and the marketing team still has questions to address, like how do we keep people’s interest after the convention? We will all be exhausted when it comes time to pack up and hit the road to Austin, but our excitement we’ll provide us with just the power up we’ll need to get to the next level, the convention itself. Join us on our adventure! We’ll be talking more about RTX in the Game Den and right here.

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KC McKillipKC McKillip


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