Welcome to the IndieDen, home of the SP Ent Team Blogs. Here you can find a growing body of writings from various members of SP Ent. on many subjects, including game dev, games, and entertainment. Our blogs are organized into Dens, for instance, the ArtDen, and, the CodeDen. There are also two special blogs: Paw Prints, which contains writings and musings about development and running an indie company from our Executive Director and Executive Producer Chris McKillip, and The Periwinkle Paw, which contains the written perspective of indie wife, Lead editor, and assistant producer, KC McKillip. Please read, comment, and enjoy.

Adventure Time!
KC McKillip
/ Categories: The Periwinkle Paw

Adventure Time!

Revenge of the Crunch

I confess. I had an ambitious plan to hop on and post as soon as we got home from RTX.  I should have known better. After the hyper stressful periods of crunch and con comes the inevitable crash and catching up on the other parts of life that got ignored during crunch. So it’s a bit late, but it’s never too late to talk about RTX.

For the exhibitor, every convention starts with set up. On day one, once we were able to get into the loading bay, we got our passes and checked out our space. That initiated a happy surprise: the booths in Indie ally were set up with two sides open to passers-by. It took some time to wrap our heads around this opportunity, but we finally did. Set up also came with some technological snafus, which happens regularly when your budget is tiny. Technology failures and booth redesign can only mean one thing, multiple late-night shopping trips at big box stores to find the cheapest solutions possible. Yayy.

Despite the rocky start, the convention went well. Raptors’ Realm received lots of positive attention and even created some buzz. Most of the comments we heard were that the game was beautiful, relaxing, and unique in a good way. Several players took a turn with K3D, and they really enjoyed the perspective change built into the new pc version.

We also had a great time hanging out with our fellow indies. We were sandwiched between Super Duper Games, creators of Black Ice, and No One Famous Studio, who are developing a clever game called Cereal vs. Serial. Down Indie row there were several fellow indies, like Moonfall Games with their game Space Revolver, Laughing Manatee Games with Puzzle Depot; and Decoy Games with Swimsanity.  We also made some great contacts with influencers, artists, and many others.

The push to RTX 2018 was worth it, as always. We got valuable feedback, met (and reunited) with some great people, made some great contacts, made some progress on our games, and of course had fun. Who knows what the future will bring in a year, but if we can help it, we will be back for RTX 2019.

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KC McKillipKC McKillip


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