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RTX Austin 2018 Dev Update.
Chris McKillip
/ Categories: GameDen

RTX Austin 2018 Dev Update.

Updating our titles for RTX Austin 2018

This year we have been turning much of our attention to Raptors’ Realm. We originally envisioned Raptors’ Realm as a simple mobile runner hybrid, but after showing the rudimentary PC based prototype off at a few conventions and getting positive responses, we discovered that Raptors’ Realm plays well on a big screen with a game controller.

The first mechanics we added to the game were flight and Raptor Vision, which allows the player to see the ground the way a raptor might. Thanks to valuable feedback, we have overhauled Raptor Vision. It now switches cameras and contains a small window which maintains the 3rd person flight view on the Raptor. The programmers have also made improvements to the flight mechanic, making flight easier both in and out of Raptor Vision, which allows for easier hunting. Speaking of hunting, they’ve also been working hard on the hunting mechanic, which we hope to debut at RTX Austin 2018. The hunting mechanic involves targeting and tracking capabilities, and the capture of Quarry for delivery back to the nest.

Meanwhile, our artists were quick to realize the visual potential of Raptors’ Realm and are now working on landscapes to take advantage of the bird’s eye view you get while flying around in the game. We've created a new prototype level which contains some early versions of the new art and a general feel for what the new look is going to offer. While this level is not nearly complete, it allows for a better idea of what to expect in the future.

Still, we aren't forgetting K3D. In fact, we have had some interesting proposals concerning the future of K3D. We will continue to update it so that it plays well on newer devices, including PC, which we plan to be showing off at RTX alongside Raptors' Realm.

Eventually, with bigger dev muscles and more resources, we should be able to return to our early ambitious projects. But for now we will be focusing on K3D and Raptors’ Realm, with the hope of making Raptors Realm our first income earning game.

Do you have questions or comments? We’d love to hear them! Please share below.

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Chris McKillip

Chris McKillipChris McKillip

SP Ent. Executive Director

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Executive Director at SP Entertainment, he runs the show.


4 comments on article "RTX Austin 2018 Dev Update."


Chris McKillip

Woot! We finally have a dev update up here. This IndieDen stuff has all been a long time coming, but we're finally figuring it all out. I'm looking forward to much more into the future.


Chris McKillip

Once the Dev Dawgs is finished we'll get to adding these regularly. This reply is to see how threading works here.


Chris McKillip

As we work on Dev Dawgs content there will be more stuff forthcoming both here and in various other places around the website.


Chris McKillip

This comment is simply to test comment notification.

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