Welcome to the IndieDen, home of the SP Ent Team Blogs. Here you can find a growing body of writings from various members of SP Ent. on many subjects, including game dev, games, and entertainment. Our blogs are organized into Dens, for instance, the ArtDen, and, the CodeDen. There are also two special blogs: Paw Prints, which contains writings and musings about development and running an indie company from our Executive Director and Executive Producer Chris McKillip, and The Periwinkle Paw, which contains the written perspective of indie wife, Lead editor, and assistant producer, KC McKillip. Please read, comment, and enjoy.

Tester Den Launch Dev Update
Chris McKillip
/ Categories: GameDen

Tester Den Launch Dev Update

How the Tester Den Launch Impacted Dev

It’s been far too long since our last Dev Update. We had one planned for late last year, but it took a back seat to some other things which came up at the end of the year, not the least of which was the closing of Google+ by Google. Once they put a deadline on that we had to react and get some things done for our testers so they weren’t left out in the cold so to speak. That solution is the Tester Den and it’s here. Along with many of the other changes we’ve been making to our communities which includes the up coming Dev Dawgs Network, we needed to put a new tester community in place. Since we had the new technology in place to offer a community directly on our website, we set up the Tester Den there. Along with that came the addition of our SP Ent Discord Server, and with those two pieces we had a brand-new tester community. To celebrate everything coming together, we decided to open the beta tester sign-ups to the general public instead of only to our current testers. So, Tester Den beta tester sign-ups are open until April 20th. If you’re interested in becoming a beta tester for us, head over to the Tester Den and sign up.

Just a quick note on K3D and Raptors’ Realm. Development on both titles has continued to progress as we’ve been working on our new communities, though at a slightly slower pace than we had anticipated due to the April deadline we were given by Google to get the Tester Den done. Both games have been upgraded to newer versions of our engine and both have been getting updates and refinements to their game play and systems. We’ll have more on both titles, and the Dev Dawgs, in the next Dev Update which will go up soon. So, circle back around and see just what we’ve been doing in our games and everywhere else here at SP Ent.

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Chris McKillip

Chris McKillipChris McKillip

SP Ent. Executive Director

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Executive Director at SP Entertainment, he runs the show.


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