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Raptor Trivia: Squirreling Away Meals
SP Ent Admin
/ Categories: TriviaDen

Raptor Trivia: Squirreling Away Meals

Raptor Trivia: Kestrels and Squirrels Have Something in Common

While doing research for Raptors’ Realm, we’ve found out many interesting facts about raptors that fuel our Raptor Trivia. This time we thought it would be fun to draw on the many cool facts we’ve discovered about kestrels; however, when we began to gather our references for our American Kestrel trivia, we found a quirky detail that we just had to use as a Raptor Trivia question. And so, a new trivia question was hatched, but don’t worry, those other facts will show up in kestrel questions in the future, and we will have more compelling behavior to possibly add to Raptors’ Realm. Check it out below and see if you can answer it correctly.

The image for this Raptor Trivia post is of Pancho, an American Kestrel and one of the great Animal Ambassadors at the New Mexico Wildlife Center.

So, as mentioned above, in tracking down references for some of our American Kestrel facts, we found out about this interesting caching behavior. The first reference for this question is a blog post about American Kestrels from the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, a wild west wildlife museum affiliated with the Smithsonian. The second is the American Kestrel info page from Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, a model wildlife sanctuary and conservation organization. The last is a link to a study by Michael W. Collopy in The Condor, an Ornithological journal, in 1977.


This Raptor Trivia question expired on 4/22/2020.

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SP Ent Admin

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