Welcome to the IndieDen, home of the SP Ent Team Blogs. Here you can find a growing body of writings from various members of SP Ent. on many subjects, including game dev, games, and entertainment. Our blogs are organized into Dens, for instance, the ArtDen, and, the CodeDen. There are also two special blogs: Paw Prints, which contains writings and musings about development and running an indie company from our Executive Director and Executive Producer Chris McKillip, and The Periwinkle Paw, which contains the written perspective of indie wife, Lead editor, and assistant producer, KC McKillip. Please read, comment, and enjoy.

Welcome Everyone to Paw Prints
Chris McKillip
/ Categories: Paw Prints

Welcome Everyone to Paw Prints

Paw Prints Welcome Article

Welcome everyone to Paw Prints.

Paw Prints will contain my musings and personal insights on the processes of both game design and running an indie game studio. I will share everything from design processes and procedures, to marketing and advertising, to game team and small studio struggles. My focus with this area of the site is to both give our fans an idea of what it is like on the inside of SP Ent., and to engage with our audience on a regular basis in a more personal fashion. The writings posted here are designed to both be shared and commented on, allowing me to engage with our fans online in a broad yet personal way that is impossible otherwise. So please come back often to see what prints I have laid down, and feel free to share and comment so that we may make the most of our interaction with each other. I look forward to meeting you, our fans and giving you a peek inside SP Ent. So again, welcome, and thank you for hitting the Paws Button. Type at you all later.

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Chris McKillip

Chris McKillipChris McKillip

SP Ent. Executive Director

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Executive Director at SP Entertainment, he runs the show.


1 comments on article "Welcome Everyone to Paw Prints"


KC McKillip

This will be interesting when we get it going.

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